A.EggBank Patrnership
A.EggBank Highly Interested To Establish Long-Term Relations With Our Partner And To Create Win-Win

For Professionals
Trusted & Professional Partnerships
As the A.EggBank which is part of the international ADONIS Medical Group of Companies, we are always looking to establish a new partnership with well-established IVF centers or Doctors to fulfill the growing need for highest quolity egg donors.
When you become one of our Partners, you can expect a large supply of frozen eggs from top quality donors that have undergone comprehensive screening and health assessments and Acompayning Documentation In Accordance With Your National Governmental Requirements in your country (FDA, HEPA, etc.)
Advantages To Be With ADONIS Egg Bank
ADONIS Egg Bank Platform
Our order system is very fast and easy to be made as we want to make each step of egg donor’s selection
smooth and not-complicated for both Partner-clinic and patients.
FDA-eligible donors
We can propose your different solutions in case you prefer individual order or bulk order as well. In
case your company operates in the USA, and you are interested in cooperation with us – we can provide
you FDA-eligible donors (obligatory tests are performed at FDA Lab) and with genetic screening of more
than 400 diseases to comply with your state requirements and patient’s wishes.
High-quality donor’s eggs
At ADONIS Egg Bank we are always ready to support your business and provide your patients with
high-quality frozen donor’s eggs.
Are you interested?
Please, fill in the contact form and we will get in touch with to start our partnership!
Contact Form
Please fill the form below